Deluxe Maple Syrup Tree Tapping Kit + Book | 20 Tree Saver Taps & Tubes, Filters, Tapping Guidebook, Drill Bit
The go-to kit when you’re ready to up your maple syrup production.
We’ve taken our easy-to-use starter kit and doubled it so you can make more pure maple syrup. With 20 taps, you should be able to make nearly 10 gallons of syrup! And this equipment will last for many seasons.
This deluxe maple syrup making kit includes:
- Twenty Tree Saver 5/16” Spiles (taps) Heavy-duty, food-grade, plastic spiles designed for maximum sap flow but easier on the tree. Compared to traditional 7/16” spiles, Tree Saver Spiles cause 30% to 35% less damage but have the same sap output.
- Twenty 3’ long tubes (droplines) Made to snugly fit the Tree Saver spiles, each length of tubing is BPA-free and flexible. Dark blue coloring is more bacteria resistant than traditional clear tubing; it draws less sunlight, yet still shows the flow of maple sap. With a coupler, these tubes can be attached to longer mainline tubing.
- Two one-quart filters Designed for small batch home sugarmakers these filters works at all stages and are easy to handle so no spills or burns. Fits into a standard sieve stand.
- Washable & Reusable All of this gear is washable and reusable and will last for many tapping seasons.
- One 5/16” wood-boring drill bit Just add a portable drill and you’re good to go.
- Professionally written, 80-page "Guide to Maple Tapping" Walks you through the entire process from identifying trees to drilling the hole to filtering, boiling, and bottling the syrup. Includes recipes and advice from professional sugarmakers.
- Handy Quick Start Instruction Sheet Take with you to the tree for a reminder on how to tap.
- Exclusive Recipe Cards Pure maple syrup is for more than pancakes! It’s paleo-friendly, all-natural and organic and a perfect sugar replacement in any recipe. Try these delicious options for every part of your menu.
- Lifetime Guarantee on all taps and tubes plus full support from all of us at Maple Tapper (we’re tapping too!).